Double up

I slept in this morning. Like, really slept in. I got up after my radio alarm had been going off for about 45 minutes. This has been happening alot lately. So in order to get myself to work on time I have to take serious measures. One of the things that I've started doing is making up an outfit in my mind so that when I do finally get my butt out of bed I can reach for said pieces and get going. This morning I wanted to be comfortable, well, looking at the pictures I would say that I'm stating the obvious. For my little spin on it, I doubled up on my scarves. One printed, one solid, together I feel like they make this otherwise plain outfit stand out. Too bad the heat in our office is cranked and I'm down one scarf and no cardigan. I feel like each one of these pictures focuses on different parts of my wardrobe: 1/ scarves, 2/booties, 3/hair bun. I didn't plan it out like that but it sort of works. Only 1 1/2 more days until Atlantic city! This will be my first time goi...