Yesterday, catch-up. Today, swap.
This is what I wore yesterday. I only took the pics last night after getting home from work and then had to get some stuff in order, then run right back out to go meet up with Nickie for some drinks. I read that there was a new bar in the neighborhood that served hot mulled cider (with your choice of rum or whiskey) so Nickie and I went to check it out. Turned out to be a really great place with great service and good atmosphere. We found two seats at the bar and proceeded to fill each other in with the last two weeks of our lives. We usually spend every weekend together but due to unforseen circumstances we've had some time away from each other. At the end of the night we pretty much deemed it our new winter hangout.
Now if you'll excuse me, my coffee is ready and I have a few things planned for my day that I would need to get started on. I'm heading over to the Score! Pop up swap this afternoon and want to make sure I go through everything in my apartment and get rid of anything that I'm not using. If you live in NY you should definitely try to make it. Swaps are awesome and you usually find some great stuff. i'll make sure to tell you all if I get any great finds.
*I also went to Ricky's yesterday and bought a new hairdryer as wel as hair "setters" as they're called. I'll tell you about it after I've tried them both.
Vest}kensie sample