Les photos clandestines
This is what I threw on this morning after trying to get as much sleep as I could after last nights' show. What show you ask? Oh just a little band called She & Him! EEEEeeeee! The show was so great, it exceeded my expectations actually, if you could believe it.
Let's see, where to begin? Well for those of you that aren't following me on twitter, you missed the play by play from the begining of the show. ( I stopped tweeting once Miss Zooey took the stage as to not miss a minute!) The opening band were the Living Sisters, ok not really my thing. Could've done without but whatever I can see the harmony/bluegrass feeling that ties them to She & Him. Once the band took the stage everyone went crazy. Zooey was wearing a navy blue halter dress, her hair was straight (and so long) and she was tiny!!! Once she started singing though she really belted it out. Such a strong voice and presence for such a teeny tiny lady. I was hapy to hear for myself that she can actually sing in real life and is not at all once of those "studio" only singers. The one thing I was wondering though is why mr. M. Ward chose to stand way over on the other side of the stage, he was barely visible!! I think everyone forgot that he was there until he started singing You Really got a Hold on Me. Oh boy. I think every single girl's heart just melted as soon as he took the mic.
All in all, at was a great show and I think they're an awesome band live. All this said, I couldn't help but leave with a chip on my shoulder. You see,we were told at the begining of the show that as a request to She & Him, no pictures, recording, or even cell phone pics were to be taken. Really? Um, pretty sure everyone was trying their best to take at least a couple snaps before being told by a big burly bouncer with a flashlight to put the camera away. I mean if you had a celebrity in front of you that you paid to see, wouldn't you think that a picture was harmless? I'm not sure why the request maybe the flashes are distracting but I tried my hardest to take pictures without my flash. Not being a photog pro, here are a few that came out decent.